Blue light blocking glasses
An antidote to the modern age woes of digital time and sleep deprivation, blue light blocking screen glasses are the latest tool in our quest for the perfect nights sleep.
An antidote to the modern age woes of screen time and sleep deprivation, blue light blocking glasses are the latest tool in our quest for eye health and the perfect nights sleep.
what is blue light
Smartphones, tablets, tv’s and LED lighting all emit blue light, which is a natural light - it’s present in daylight and helps us feel awake during the day, boosting attention and mood. In fact blue light rays are even used in light therapy to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Here’s the science.. blue light is one of the shortest, highest-energy wavelengths and blue wavelength light stimulates sensors in your eyes which send signals to your brain’s internal body clock.
Being online during the evening ensures our nights are now as illuminated as our days. The eyes are not very good at blocking blue light, allowing it to pass straight through to the retina, this disrupts melatonin and negatively impacts our sleep.
blue light and sleep
As more important research comes to light, we’re beginning to realise the huge importance of sleep for good health. Not only for brain function like concentration, productivity and performance, but to prevent serious illness like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Sleep impacts every area of our lives, so in 2024 we all know the importance of prioritising our sleep.
One study found that sleep deprivation can affect brain function to a similar degree as alcohol intoxication, so missing out on a few hours shut eye is equivelent to a night on the fizz - madness!
Blue light suppresses the brain’s release of the hormone melatonin, a sleep inducing hormone, so artificial night time light throws out our body's biological clock, the circadian rhythm.
Poor sleep can cause so many health issues, so we need do everything we can to secure a good nights sleep and blocking out blue light in the evening can help achieve this.
Wearing your blue blight blocking glasses in the evening as part as your sleep hygiene routine, while watching tv, working late or working your way through the gram, can help prevent that screen light getting through and wrecking your sleep.
blue light and Screens
Many of us spend more time at our screens than actually sleeping (even though we know which is the healthier choice).
As our world becomes more digital the average person is spending at least 3 hours online everyday, from computer screens to updating social media during down time. This can cause digital eye strain, so along with investing in some computer glasses, we need to adopt healthy screen habits starting with…
Staring at our devices without blinking for long periods will cause eye strain so take regular breaks -
follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
We’re all guilty of the the screen hunch which wreaks havoc on our entire body. Position your screen at arms length and straight ahead, consider taking up yoga to counteract sitting for long periods.
Do mindful screen-time after 9pm, so ban the late night insta scrolling and Netflix binging and pick up an actual book to help you get that good nights sleep.
Challenge yourself to a digital detox at the weekends or a digital free day - good for the eyes and the soul.
avoiding eye strain
When we’re screening and scrolling we blink less, which can cause eyes to dry out. Computer Vision Syndrome describes symptoms of sore dry eyes, blurry vision, difficulty focusing, headaches or a lovely combo of all of the above. You can minimise the effects by using screen glasses and prevent it by following these eye tips..
Adjust your lighting on your screen brightness and your screen contrast to suit. Make sure that your screen isn’t brighter than the surrounding light, or your eyes will have to work so much harder to see.
Adjust your room lighting, natural light is always best, face away from windows and lights.
Blink more - make a conscious effort, we forget when we’re staring at cute croissant pics and it helps prevents fatigue and dry eye.
Get outside and expose yourself to lots of bright natural daylight during the day to expose your eyes and reset your rhythms.
how to block blue light
We can put blue light blocking lenses into any of our frames, check our range of screen glasses here.
Our premium Blue Control lens treatment helps to neutralise the amount of blue light emitting from your devices by filtering it out - this will help optimise sleep and reduce eye strain.
Here’s to sparkling healthy eyes and a better nights sleep!
Back to work - glasses lenses to get the job done
Choosing the right lenses to go in your glasses is essential. From screen glasses, to office and multifocal lenses, we’re here to take away the blur and find some clarity.
It’s a fresh new year and we’re back in the office or studio ready to take on 2022, so choosing the right lenses to go in your glasses is super important to get the best visuals from your eyewear. From screen glasses, to office and varifocal lenses. We’re here to help take away the blur and find you some clarity.
life through a lens
Just as the right pair of glasses can boost your confidence at work, the right lenses can boost your visual confidence and prevent digital eye strain symptoms like neck pain, headaches and blurred vision that can occur as a result of wearing the wrong lenses.. it’s a bit like the wrong trousers, only worse.
The type of lens you’ll need depends on your lifestyle, job, visual needs and how you prefer to use your glasses - there’s an ideal lens for everyone and we’re here to help you find it…
single vision lenses
Single vision lenses, or fixed focus lenses, are great for one distance. For example, reading glasses are great for close work like reading books but once you look up everything beyond can be fuzzy. Perfect also for long range distances like driving, but you won’t be able to read in these - it has a single purpose, the clues in the name.
The younger you are the more you can adapt to different distances, but as we head into our forties our visual accommodation reduces and we can’t adapt as easily to the other distance and we start to need longer arms.
power boost lenses
Also known as anti-fatigue lenses, perfect for students and our younger crowd (under forty or under +1.00D reading addition on your prescription) who are working with devices and screens.
Power Boost lenses give a boost of extra reading power at the bottom of the lens to help reduce eye fatigue by relaxing the eye muscles so you can focus better, as the muscles in your eyes are working overtime.
Switching between devices is thought to increase eye strain by 22% and small screens viewed at short distances with long viewing times causes digital eye strain, so these lenses are an ideal solution.
office lenses
Office lenses, also known as occupational lenses, are a more modern lens designed for both reading and computer with the added option to include room distance (walking from studio to kettle).
Office lenses provide better focus and a wider field of vision for close to intermediate distances than varifocals, giving more natural vision for work tasks to making and creating to baking and cooking.
It’s not just for office workers, this lens is for anyone who needs to carry out close work but also look at other distances, bearing in mind these aren’t suitable for driving.
Varifocal, or multifocal lenses, work by having different prescription strengths at different points in the lens, so they have multiple distances in a single lens.
Your eye measurements are taken and applied to the lens, so you access the distance you need by looking up and down through the different points in the lens - look ahead to catch the lasted episode of Bridgerton and down the lens to read the book version.
A good all rounder lens, though they can take a little getting used to, varifocals are great multi-taskers but not as good at individual tasks, unlike single vision or office lenses.
They are great at doing a little of everything, so you can leave them on all day, drive and also carry out close work. But if you just want them to get through your stack of vintage Vogues, they might not be for you.
blue light screen glasses
Our Blue Control lenses help to reduce the amount of blue light from your screens by filtering to help optimise sleep and reduce eye strain. Our digital screen lenses are specially designed to reduce the amount of blue light that reaches the eye.
Blue light suppresses the brains release of the hormone melatonin, a sleep inducing hormone, so artificial night time light throws out the body's biological clock, the circadian rhythm.
Poor sleep can cause so many health issues, so we need do everything we can to secure a good night’s sleep and blocking out blue light in the evening with computer glasses can help.
We can put blue light blocking lenses into any of our frames whether you wear prescription or not, check our range of screen glasses here.
When choosing your new lenses the main question is what am I going to use my glasses for and what am I willing to compromise on? We can fit any lenses into any of our sustainable glasses frames - just get in touch for optical advice - we’re here to help!