Eyewear, Eye Health, Optical Jo Eyewear, Eye Health, Optical Jo

Back to work - glasses lenses to get the job done

Choosing the right lenses to go in your glasses is essential. From screen glasses, to office and multifocal lenses, we’re here to take away the blur and find some clarity.

close up of a woman's eye

jan krnc

It’s a fresh new year and we’re back in the office or studio ready to take on 2022, so choosing the right lenses to go in your glasses is super important to get the best visuals from your eyewear. From screen glasses, to office and varifocal lenses. We’re here to help take away the blur and find you some clarity.

life through a lens

glglasses lenses looking through magnifying glass

Just as the right pair of glasses can boost your confidence at work, the right lenses can boost your visual confidence and prevent digital eye strain symptoms like neck pain, headaches and blurred vision that can occur as a result of wearing the wrong lenses.. it’s a bit like the wrong trousers, only worse.

The type of lens you’ll need depends on your lifestyle, job, visual needs and how you prefer to use your glasses - there’s an ideal lens for everyone and we’re here to help you find it…

single vision lenses

woman reading in window

thought catalog

Single vision lenses, or fixed focus lenses, are great for one distance. For example, reading glasses are great for close work like reading books but once you look up everything beyond can be fuzzy. Perfect also for long range distances like driving, but you won’t be able to read in these - it has a single purpose, the clues in the name.

The younger you are the more you can adapt to different distances, but as we head into our forties our visual accommodation reduces and we can’t adapt as easily to the other distance and we start to need longer arms.

power boost lenses

glasses wearing guy on ipad

edmond dantès

Also known as anti-fatigue lenses, perfect for students and our younger crowd (under forty or under +1.00D reading addition on your prescription) who are working with devices and screens.

Power Boost lenses give a boost of extra reading power at the bottom of the lens to help reduce eye fatigue by relaxing the eye muscles so you can focus better, as the muscles in your eyes are working overtime.

Switching between devices is thought to increase eye strain by 22% and small screens viewed at short distances with long viewing times causes digital eye strain, so these lenses are an ideal solution.

office lenses

potter throwing a pot

quang nguyen vinh

Office lenses, also known as occupational lenses, are a more modern lens designed for both reading and computer with the added option to include room distance (walking from studio to kettle).

Office lenses provide better focus and a wider field of vision for close to intermediate distances than varifocals, giving more natural vision for work tasks to making and creating to baking and cooking.

It’s not just for office workers, this lens is for anyone who needs to carry out close work but also look at other distances, bearing in mind these aren’t suitable for driving.


close up of womans green eyes

ron lach

Varifocal, or multifocal lenses, work by having different prescription strengths at different points in the lens, so they have multiple distances in a single lens.

Your eye measurements are taken and applied to the lens, so you access the distance you need by looking up and down through the different points in the lens - look ahead to catch the lasted episode of Bridgerton and down the lens to read the book version.

A good all rounder lens, though they can take a little getting used to, varifocals are great multi-taskers but not as good at individual tasks, unlike single vision or office lenses.

They are great at doing a little of everything, so you can leave them on all day, drive and also carry out close work. But if you just want them to get through your stack of vintage Vogues, they might not be for you.

blue light screen glasses

computer screen hands typing


Our Blue Control lenses help to reduce the amount of blue light from your screens by filtering to help optimise sleep and reduce eye strain. Our digital screen lenses are specially designed to reduce the amount of blue light that reaches the eye.

Blue light suppresses the brains release of the hormone melatonin, a sleep inducing hormone, so artificial night time light throws out the body's biological clock, the circadian rhythm.

Poor sleep can cause so many health issues, so we need do everything we can to secure a good night’s sleep and blocking out blue light in the evening with computer glasses can help.

We can put blue light blocking lenses into any of our frames whether you wear prescription or not, check our range of screen glasses here.

When choosing your new lenses the main question is what am I going to use my glasses for and what am I willing to compromise on? We can fit any lenses into any of our sustainable glasses frames - just get in touch for optical advice - we’re here to help!


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Events, Environment, Fashion Jo Events, Environment, Fashion Jo

Second Hand September

It’s Secondhand September this month - find out more about how to shop sustainably and reduce your impact on the planet.

Second Hand September

Cotton Bro

We’re big on sustainable second hand shopping here at Peep, not only because you can find unique pieces from different decades, but because it greatly reduces our impact on the planet.

The textile industry alone accounts for about 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is a big contributor to the climate emergency. But we can take action by taking part in Oxfam’s Second Hand September Challange to buy nothing new and shop only second hand for the month of September… and beyond.

what is second hand september?

Oxfam Second Hand September


Fast fashion is damaging our planet. The excess waste from this throwaway lifestyle is putting pressure on the environment. People living in the poorest countries are suffering the most yet have done the least to cause it. Shopping and donating with Oxfam helps to raise vital funds to help families tackle the crisis in their communities.

Although Oxfam don’t believe the responsibility to fix the problem lies with us shoppers (agreed) – Second Hand September and slow living is a way of individually doing our bit to make our lives more sustainable.

Check out Oxfam’s pop up shop in London Selfridges full of incredible second hand pieces selected by their thrift expert Bay Garnett. When you donate clothes to Oxfam nothing goes to landfill and now you can donate them by post. Order your free donation bag from Oxfam or donate in-store.

Second Hand September

Search #SecondHandSeptember on Instagram to find loads of inspiration and tag @OxfamGB

why shop second hand

Second Hand September

Cotton Bro

It’s sustainable

You’re extending the life of clothes, because when you buy a used item you are saving all the resources it took to make that item. It takes 2,700 litres of water to make one new cotton t-shirt compared to a second hand tee from a charity shop which uses none. The same applies for eyewear and homewares - it’s a step towards a circular economy where everything is reused, repaired, and recycled.

More choice, unique pieces

There are so many great wardrobe staples you can find alongside unique gems you can uncover from different eras, from 90s power suits to 70s coats, the trend cycle means that the previous decades are regularly back in fashion. You can find designer items at an affordable price and styles that are no longer being produced. We love that you can express your individuality more with preloved fashion and homewares, find your own style and what truly suits, instead of being dictated by trends.

Keeping clothes out of landfill

13 million items of used clothing ends up in UK landfill every week. When you shop secondhand fashion or homeware, you’re keeping these items out of landfill and back in circulation while reducing the demand for fast fashion and fast homeware.

Secondhand goods are better quality

Vintage items were made to last. Older items are often better made, sometimes handmade from better materials, from a time when quality was prized over quantity. That’s why the vintage market is thriving with so many amazing sellers curating beautful pieces from the 60s, 70s and 80s all in exquisite condition.

If you buy something second hand but decide you no longer want it you can sell it on or donate and keep the cycle going.

Giving back

Shopping and donating with Oxfam, and other charities, helps to raise money for people who are suffering the effects of the climate emergency right now. You could help fund a solar-powered pump that brings water up from underground during dry season, or provide farmers with drought-resistant seeds. When you shop second hand you’re giving back to a charity or small sustainable business instead helping of big boys get bigger.

How to shop second hand

Second Hand September

Shopping second hand has never been easier with shops like eBay, Vinted, and DePop you can buy secondhand from the comfort of your sofa. Instagram is a mecca for beautifully curated vintage and preloved fashion and homewares, where sellers do the hard work for you handpicking quality and stand out pieces.

Or if you want to get hands on, there are still charity shops on the high street and their doors are open, if you can’t try items on in a changing room, you can often exchange and return. There’s also the pleasure of thrifting through local fleamarkets, antique shows and car boot sales - it’s addictive.

Here’s our tip tips to shopping second hand..

Know what’s in your wardrobe - knowing what you’ve already got to work with, any pieces that you purchase will save you from repeats.

Go with a shopping list - pieces that you’re missing from your wardorbe that you actually need, will save you from indulging in retail therapy. Charity shops are great for staples like mens tailoring and knitwear.

Know yourself - what styles and shapes suit, colour palettes that work for you and fit in with what’s in your wardrobe.

Know your measurements - vintage clothing comes up smaller than modern sizing so take your measurements before shopping, such as bust, waist and hips.

Give it a good once over - if it’s virtual read the condition report and check the pieces for stains and damage. You can always ask for more information. Old fashioned labels and zips will give you a clue to the pieces age.

Look at what it’s made of - try to source mostly natural fibers like cotton, silk, linen, and wool as they’re more breathable and planet friendly to wash and stay away from anything that needs dry cleaning.

When you shop second hand or vintage, buy only what you need or love, that way you’ll always be shopping sustainably.

Take a peep at our range preloved and vintage second hand frames.


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Eye Health, Optical Jo Eye Health, Optical Jo

How to take care of your eyes... during a pandemic

We’re working from home, at risk of digital overload, wondering when to brave an eye test. Here’s our guide to taking care of your eyes during the pandemic.

We’re working from home, constantly staring at screens and wondering when to brave an eye test. Here’s our guide to taking care of your eyes during the pandemic.

Is it safe to get an eye test?

Is it safe to get an eye test

Along with correcting your vision and updating your prescription, regular eye tests can pick up other problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure, so it’s really important your eye test is kept up-to-date.

If your eye test is due, there’s lots of procedures in place to make it as a safe as possible..

Most optician’s are operating a closed door policy, meaning that eye tests are now by appointment only – so no drop-in eye examinations, you need to book first.

Appointments will be spread out, so there’s time to clean down after each patient. There’s no waiting in store, so go alone if possible. Social distancing will be in place where possible and minimal people in store at any given time.

Everyone will be wearing PPE (including you as masks are mandetory), testing rooms will be disinfected between patients and frames will be cleaned throughout the day.

Browsing and trying the frames may not be permitted, but a selection of glasses styles might be provided on santisied tray for you to try on.

Better still, take advantage of our Home Try On service without leaving your sofa. Try up to 3 pairs and take free delivery to see if they suit. We can advise on styles and sizing and adjust frames to fit. Frames are cleaned in our Ultra Sonic Cleaner ‘Bubbles’ before/after being sent for Home Try On.

If you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19, have been in contact with someone who has symptoms, or are considered high risk, and it’s a routine eye appointment, it’s better to wait. If it’s urgent contact your usual practise and they will help.

Personally, I would opt for an independent optician over the busier high street alternatives. They tend not to be as crowded and will have more time to spend with you.

Home working and screen time



Remote working is now the norm for many of us and as a result we’re all spending more time glued to our devices. Productivity might be up (yay flexible working) but it’s easier than ever to get digital overload. Too much screen time can lead to poor mental health and trouble sleeping, as well as eye strain and muscle fatigue.

So how can we stay mindful when we’re working from home?

Not getting the natural breaks you find in the office – we need to create those water cooler moments and lunch breaks. Make yourself a barista coffee, take your time over a tea ritual or phone a friend to give yourself a break.

Track your time online so you can keep control, schedule in regular mini and longer detox breaks.

Step away from your screen, get outside, walk, pull up weeds in the garden or listen to your favourite podcast. Choose a chapter of a paperback over a digital book.

Make notes, brain storm or journal with good ole fashioned pen and paper in a beautiful bound book to help take a screen break.

Switch off completely a good few hours before sleep.

Staring at our devices without blinking for long periods will cause eye strain so take regular breaks - follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

screen time and blue light

Taking care of your eyes

Smartphones, tablets, televisions and LED lighting all emit blue light and here’s the science.. blue wavelength light stimulates sensors in your eyes to send signals to your brain’s internal body clock.

Our eyes are not very good at blocking blue light, allowing it to pass straight through to the retina, disrupting melatonin and negatively impacting our sleep.

Blue light suppresses the brain’s release of the hormone melatonin, our sleep inducing hormone, so artificial night time light really throws out the body's biological clock, the circadian rhythm.

Poor sleep can cause so many health issues, so we need do everything we can to secure a good nights sleep and blocking out blue light in the evening can help.

Take a peep at our Blue Control screen blocking glasses lenses to filter out that blue light and promote good sleep. We can put blue light blocking lenses into any of our frames, check our range of screen glasses here. Our Blue Control lenses help to reduce the amount of blue light from your screens by filtering to help optimise sleep and reduce eye strain.

So step away from the screens, take regular breaks and no scrolling past nine.

Stay safe and stay sane peeps.


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Sun Protection, Seasonal Jo Sun Protection, Seasonal Jo

sun safe this summer

Stay safe in the sun this summer - here’s the low down on all things UV protection for a sun kissed summer

It’s official summer’s here! Sun drenched afternoons spent languishing in gardens and on beaches are what we live for with their mood boosting, vitamin D injecting loveliness.

This month we’re celebrating International Sunglasses Day (27 June) and the importance of wearing sunglasses to protect our eyes. Jump on board and show us your best #SunglassSelfie

sun safe skin

Too much sun is the main cause of both skin cancer and skin ageing. In the UK, almost 9 in 10 cases of melanoma could be prevented by enjoying sun safely.

Here in the UK the sun’s UV rays are the strongest between 11am and 3pm from early April to late September. This is the time where the sun can cause damage, so we need to show it some respect.

One of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun's rays is to spend some time in the shade.

Shade and clothing are more effective than sunscreen and a lot more eco friendly to boot. Take a break under trees, parasols, canopies or our personal fave - head indoors for a lazy long luncheon.

Rays reflect off pavements and burn through sheer fabrics, so choose loose-fitting pieces with a close weave material. Hats are your friend - I don’t leave home without my trusty cap for full face protection.

screen your skin

It’s time to take a fresh look at our sunscreen. Whatever we put on our skin is absorbed into our skin, so it’s important to look at ingredients and go for more natural products that are kinder to your skin.

by Jakob Owens

by Jakob Owens

We need to consider how ocean safe our sunscreen is too. The chemicals contained in suncreams are thought to be damaging to marine life and coral reefs alike.

Chemicals like oxybenzone and octinoxate can seep into the water, where they're being absorbed by corals, algae, sea urchins, fish and mammals. Look for sunscreens with natural mineral ingredients aka titanium oxide and zinc oxide.

Choose a broad spectrum, high protection SPF with UVA 4* or 5* protection. Apply liberally and reapply every 2 hours. Don't leave it in the sun - it stops working when stored above 25°C .  And yes, it has a shelf life - once expired it's not effective... so bin it and recycle that tube.

Shade those eyes

The sun's ultraviolet light and exposure to UV radiation is linked to some serious eye conditions... cataracts, macular degeneration, photokeratitis (corneal sunburn) and research has found that 5-10% of skin cancers occur on the eyelid… eek!

By Aral Tasher

By Aral Tasher

Protect your peepers by investing in quality sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB radiation. Over 90% of UV can pass through even light cloud - so don't leave home without them.

It's not the colour of your lenses, it's the percentage of UV protection that matters, so you can go for that pale tint as long as you go for 100% UV. Oversized or wraparound sunglasses block the most sun, especially when those rays are bouncing off sand and sea. 

good Summer habits

UV damage is cumulative, occurring over a lifetime of exposure. Children are especially vulnerable, so get them in good habits of throwing on their sunnies when you do. Burn now and pay later, so stay sun safe this summer.

Check out our range of 100% UV protected sunnies and get ready to turn up the heat.


Photo by Isai Ramos on Unsplash e.jpg

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Events, Sustainability, Vintage Jo Events, Sustainability, Vintage Jo

A Slow Fashion Revolution

It’s Fashion Revolution Week & we’re turning two! Learn about the slow fashion movement and how we can stop 300,000 tons of clothes going to landfill

It’s Fashion Revolution week and the spotlight’s on the sustainable slow fashion movement. It’s also our second birthday this month and in celebration we’re giving away some upcycled loveliness.

We’re living in a throwaway culture where newness is KING. In a world of over production and over consumption – it’s time to live more simply and more slowly.

300,000 tons of used clothes go to landfill in the UK every year. Worryingly over the last 15 years clothing production has doubled and the number of times a garment is worn has decreased by 36%.

Once they hit landfill, decomposing clothing releases methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. But the good news is for every ton of discarded textiles that is reused, 20 tons of CO2 is saved from entering the atmosphere.

So where do we start?

Become a Conscious consumer

We’ve turned shopping into hobby, perhaps forsaking the pastimes of yesteryear like embroidery and art. Instead we’ve turned to retail therapy and it’s costing us all. Are we looking for happiness in all the wrong places? It’s not too late, we can choose to slow down and consume more consciously.

Brooke Cagle

Brooke Cagle

Being a conscious consumer sees us making eco-friendly choices alongside humane working practices. It’s about considering our impact on people and planet.

Shopping Vintage + Second Hand First

Shopping preloved is an adventure and more of an experience than a chore. When you shop second hand you’re supporting causes and saving clothes from landfill, so feel good factor is way up!

Artem Bali

Artem Bali

Shopping vintage develops your personal style. You soon learn what looks good on you and select garments on fabric and fit over seasonal trends. You can shop all eras at once and vintage pieces are easy to fall in love with as they’re unique and evoke memories.

• Be open minded and try pieces on

• Don’t rush, slow down and savior the experience

• Go for natural fibres like cotton, wool and linen

• Details and lining indicate quality

• Seek out heritage brands like Jaegar + Aquascutum

Check out Oxfam’s handy vintage clothes care guide

how to shop sustainably

Sustainable fashion is about changing our mindset and exploring new ways to shop. Again it’s about slowing down and stopping to think before we make a purchase. It’s quality over quantity, investing in pieces that will last and when they start to wear, repairing and restoring.

Brooke Lark

Brooke Lark

Support small business and companies doing good things, offsetting impact and helping people and planet. Apps like Good On You and Co Go and websites like Compare Ethics can help you make good decisions.

• Buy only what you need

• Aim for 30 wears per piece

• Fits into your current wardrobe

• Shop vintage and second hand first

• Shop sustainable and ethical brands

• Shop local, handmade and fairtrade

upcycled giveaway

In celebration of Fashion Revolution and Peep turning two we’re giving away an upcycled package for you and a friend to have your favourite frames completely refurbished.

We’ve also teamed up with the lovely Ella at Bear Shark Embroidery and she’s going to hand embroider the lucky winners a personalised glasses pouch made from recycled vintage fabric!

Scratches, dents and dinges will be a thing of the past. They’ll be looking like as good as new when we’ve finished polishing, primping and preening. Add a new prescription into your cherished vintage glasses or change them up and go for a coloured sunglasses tint.

Enter over on Instagram and tag in a friend here goes live Monday 22 April. Update: Giveaway is now closed.

Join the Fashion Revolution and show support by buying the Fanzine, reposting on social and asking our favourite brands ‘Who Made My Clothes?’


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Eyewear, Sustainability, launch Jo Eyewear, Sustainability, launch Jo

Peep + Trees for Cities

For every pair of glasses you buy - we'll plant a tree! We team up with tree charity Trees for Cities to breathe life back into urban areas...

For every pair of glasses or sunglasses you buy...

we plant a tree!

Photo by Ciocan Ciprian on Unsplash.jpg


Perfect Partners

We've been searching for the perfect partner for Peep since we launched last April. We knew we wanted to create a business that 'did no harm' to both people and planet.  Now we want to go one better and give something back.

Match made in heaven

Sustainability is at the heart of Peep's ethos and we're committed to preserving the environment. Our dream was not only to show people how beautiful vintage glasses are and save frames from landfill, but also to do good and now we can. We've partnered up with the guys at Trees for Cities to help breathe new life back into urban areas.

See the wood for the trees

Trees are vital to our ecosystem and remove tonnes of air pollution, including carbon dioxide, dust and other gaseous toxins. 

Climate change has caused an increase in pests and disease, which had never previously affected the UK. The impact has been an unprecedented threat to some iconic tree species, including ash, horse chestnut and oak. Planting a range of tree species builds resistance to pests and disease.

For every pair of glasses sold, our new friends at Trees for Cities will plant a tree where it's needed most. This way, we not only help regenerate our tree population, we can bring communities back to nature.

Photo by Jachan Devol onUnsplash

Photo by Jachan Devol onUnsplash

Charity begins at home

We wanted to work with a charity closer to home. Sight charities like Vision Aid Overseas do a fantastic job and are well supported by the optical industry.

We've chosen to work with a smaller greener charity, making a difference on our doorstep.

If you're interested in donating your old glasses to be recycled, visit our Donate page

Tree Love

Trees for Cities are a brilliant charity that work both within the UK and overseas to create greener cities.

From urban forests to the creation of edible playgrounds, Trees for Cities strengthen communities by creating green spaces through volunteering opportunities.

Inspiring children to grow and eat good food while connecting with nature.

Photo by Lian Jonkman on Unsplash

Photo by Lian Jonkman on Unsplash

Trees are an excellent remedy for improving our mental health and wellbeing. A growing body of research is showing that spending time around trees and nature including 'Forest Bathing' reduces depression and anxiety, especially when combined with exercise.

Trees for Cities have planted over 800,000 trees in cities and we want to help them achieve their next target of 1 million urban trees by 2020.  

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Help us help them meet this exciting milestone by shopping with Peep or making a Donation here.


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Wake Up Your Wardrobe

We're using January to do a little fashion refresh. Purge your wardrobe and fall in love with your clothes again...

women in her wardrobe


We're using January to do a little fashion refresh for the coming seasons and urge you to do the same. Feel a little lighter and fall in love with your clothes again...

Wardrobe Wrestle

Fed up wrestling with your wardrobe and rotating the same few items? Wardrobes bursting at the seams are both a distraction and a drain on your time. The time is nigh to set aside a few hours to play dress-up and be brutal.

To earn a coveted place in your wardrobe each piece needs to be either beautiful or practical and should make you look and feel good. Think minimal - colour coordinate... it may change your life.

Vintage Wardrobe Refresh

"Modern Minimalism is about simplicity, whether quality or trend, longevity is the key to a consciously curated wardrobe" we couldn't agree more Sophie Benson, one of our fave style bloggers - check out some of her fab sustainable fashion posts and make your wardrobe work for you. 

Style Challenge

Pick a piece from your wardrobe (not pants) and get creative. Wear your staple piece for the whole week, mix and match with other items and wear it a differently every day. You might surprise yourself and it will reset the way you think about your clothes.

Recycle and Repurpose

Every year an estimated 300,000 tonnes of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK, so dispose of anything that doesn't fit or flatter in the following sustainable ways...

Donate - good quality clothing to your favourite charity, avoiding landfill and helping a good cause = feel good factor

Clothes Swap - a good excuse for a soiree and you get to go home with a new outfit = win

Recycle - let Clothes Aid collect your unwanted clothes and benefit UK charities. Or locate your nearest Clothing Bank.

Sell - we're over Christmas and onto the Alps - who doesn't need the readies for that extra pair of ski goggles - try a little eBay for the fondue kitty.

Check out the fab Love Your Clothes website for lots of lovely tips on upcycling and make do and mend; salvaging our favourite finds.

Now you've achieved all this you can go right ahead and feel smug until at least March - enjoy.

Keep your peepers open for our new launches coming soon!


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Vintage, Eyewear, Seasonal Jo Vintage, Eyewear, Seasonal Jo

It's my party

It's the season for sparkle, opulence and decadence so read on for our party wear updates...

and I'll cry if I want to

Dry your eyes and remember

'Accessories make the woman' Coco Chanel.

It's the season for sparkle, opulence and decadence - read on for our party ready updates...

hold on to your hat

We have a longstanding love of the Beret, which is having a moment. Add a little 'je ne sais quoi' with a headdress in leather, faux fur or velvet - perfect for late night taxi trips.

bag it up

No more dancing around the handbags - straps are where it's at...

No 21 Knot Velvet Evening Bag

No 21 Knot Velvet Evening Bag

all that glitters

No longer the preserve of Granny, the Brooch is back in fashion favour - the best bit? There are masses of unloved beauties just waiting to be discovered. Create your own embellishments with this instant party update and source at vintage fairs, antique fairs and preloved stores. 

Dolce & Gabbana styling out vintage brooches

Dolce & Gabbana styling out vintage brooches

Pearls are everywhere this season, but, the eternal classic, they deserve to be seen.

The morning after the night before

After the party, comes the debrief. In winter the sun sits lower in the sky, so it's important to shade those party worn eyes from both the sun and the paparazzi. Rock up in your vintage sunglasses and you're ready to face the world... 

If you need a little help with your disco days - give us a shout!


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