Back to work - glasses lenses to get the job done
Choosing the right lenses to go in your glasses is essential. From screen glasses, to office and multifocal lenses, we’re here to take away the blur and find some clarity.
Second Hand September
It’s Secondhand September this month - find out more about how to shop sustainably and reduce your impact on the planet.
How to take care of your eyes... during a pandemic
We’re working from home, at risk of digital overload, wondering when to brave an eye test. Here’s our guide to taking care of your eyes during the pandemic.
sun safe this summer
Stay safe in the sun this summer - here’s the low down on all things UV protection for a sun kissed summer
A Slow Fashion Revolution
It’s Fashion Revolution Week & we’re turning two! Learn about the slow fashion movement and how we can stop 300,000 tons of clothes going to landfill
Peep + Trees for Cities
For every pair of glasses you buy - we'll plant a tree! We team up with tree charity Trees for Cities to breathe life back into urban areas...
Wake Up Your Wardrobe
We're using January to do a little fashion refresh. Purge your wardrobe and fall in love with your clothes again...
It's my party
It's the season for sparkle, opulence and decadence so read on for our party wear updates...